PRO TIP: Click the top left button to show more characters!

If no characters are loaded here, choose a game by clicking the "Change game" button above.


Hiding a game will remove every character from that game from your tierlist! Do not click unless you are sure you want to change! You cannot undo this.


An expansive tierlist maker for Octopath 1, 2 and Champions of the Continent. (Future plans to include all Team Asano games maybe?)

Dock Tierlist allows you to always see the tierlist, even when scrolling down.

Hide Controls removes the tool widget and arrows from the tierlist, allowing for a simpler design if no customization is neccessary.

Change Characters allows you to add and remove characters to the selection that you want to tier.

Filter is a way to only feature specific characters to your selection of characters that you want to tier.

Save/Load is a handy way to generate the layout of your tierlist as text, which can be stored and re-used later by pasting it in the open textarea.

Reset removes every character from the tierlist and puts it back to the default settings.

Change/Revert Layout is an optional button that moves the characters from below the tierlist to right of it for easy access. This change can be reverted.

This is an Open Source project and is deployed through Github Pages.
Contributors are welcome and are allowed to fork the project to expand the tierlistmaker to other franchises!
For questions, Please ask for me in the public Octopath or Octopath CotC server.
Source Code can be found here: Click here


Your image will appear above after pressing "Take screenshot". You can copy or save this image.

Alternatively, copy the code below to share an editable version of your tierlist. Paste a code into the box below and click "Run code" to load another tier list.

Note that any game that does not appear in the loaded list will be deselected.


Choosing any filter will hide all unselected characters that don't match the chosen filters. Display every character again by unchecking every filter.